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Help and documentation

When creating my account, the form asks for a "Group Code." What is my Group Code? / Why is my Group Code not working?

Education for Humanity provides the program managers at each of our partner organizations with a unique Group Code - and this Group Code changes over time with each new cohort of learners. The staff at our partner organizations provide their learners with the correct Group Code for their cohort. Education for Humanity will not send learners a Group Code directly. Group Codes will only be provided by staff at our partner organizations because they are the ones having a direct relationship with each learner. If you are a learner and do not know your Group Code, please ask your local program facilitator.

If the Group Code you received from your local program staff is not working, first check to make sure you are not typing any lower-case letters (it is case-sensitive) and that you have not copy/pasted a space before or after the code. If your code still does not work, please check with your local program staff to make sure you have the most current code.

My last visit to this site was before September 2023 and I can no longer access my account. How can I access it?

On the 10th of September 2023, we closed our old website and launched this new one. If you had an account on our old system and have not yet logged into our new website, you must reset your password and then complete all fields on your profile page that have a red asterisk (*) - and make sure you click the "Update Profile" button on the profile page when you are done. To do all of this, 1) click "log in", 2) click "lost password", 3) enter the same email address you used on our old website (do not make any mistakes when typing), 4) check your email inbox for an email from us, open that email, and click the blue link in the email to verify your account, 5) create your new password (you must type it the same way two times) and click the "Save Changes" button, 6) complete your profile page (do NOT edit the Group Code field) and click the "Update Profile" button.

Which course should I take first? / What should I do after I complete a post-test (final exam) or course?

We recommend learners first take our English Diagnostic to self-assess your English level and receive guidance as to which course(s) best align with your level of English. Then, you may enroll in any course you want to enroll in and start at any time - unless your local program staff asks you to enroll in a specific course at a specific time so that all of their learners can take that course at the same time. ASU does not have any required start or completion dates for courses - they can be started or completed at any time within a timeframe that is flexible for you. However, certain of our partners will tell you that they wish for you to start and complete the course within a certain timeframe if you are using their computer center or for other reasons they may have, in which case you should abide by their timeframes. After you complete a post-test (final exam) in a course, you will automatically earn a badge (digital credential) if you successfully passed the course. See the FAQ below about badges/digital certificates fore more information about those. Once you complete one course - whether you successfully passed the course or not - you may start any other course at any time.

I forgot my password, can you help?

OFFLINE learners (those with no internet access who are accessing their courses by connecting directly to a Beekee Hub): please speak with your local facilitator and they can help you to recover and/or reset this information.
ONLINE learners (those who use the internet to access their courses): on the Login screen, please click "Lost password?" Then, either enter your username (top field) OR email address (bottom field) and click the "Search" button. If you entered a username or email address that has an account on our system, you will receive an email with a link to reset your password.

What browser do you recommend I use when accessing my courses?

We have found that Chrome and Firefox work best. Opera Mini is supposedly supported; however, we have not yet been able to test it ourselves.

What is a badge/digital certificate?

A badge is a modern version of a paper-only certificate. While you can print a badge in order to have a paper copy, its native digital nature is a better fit for the way most people share things today: email, Facebook, LinkedIn, WhatsApp, SMS, digital résumé file, etc. You can share a link (URL) to any of your digital badges and the recipient can view the badge, read about what you learned in the course, can be linked to the ASU Education for Humanity website, and can verify the legitimacy of your badge. Digital certificates such as badges have the additional benefit of not being as easy to lose as paper-only certificates because they will remain stored in the "cloud."

How do I earn a badge (digital certificate)?

You will earn a badge every time you successfully complete a course ("successfully" means that you have received a passing grade). Each of our programs has slightly different criteria for passing and that information can be found on the Start Page of each course. For example, in our General English courses, learners must score a 70% or better on the "post-test" in order to pass the course and earn a badge.

What if I took a General English post-test 3 times and did not receive a grade of 70% or better? Can I try again? Can I take any more courses?

Unfortunately, if you did not pass a General English post-test (70% or better) after 3 attempts, you will not be able to have a fourth attempt. This means that you will have not passed the course, you will not be able to earn a badge for successfully completing the course, and it will not be possible for you to try this course again in order to try receiving a passing grade. However, we would still hope that you learned some valuable skills and you are certainly welcome to take additional courses. For example, if you did not pass Learn English Now 1, we would still welcome you to take Learn English Now 2 - and perhaps you will receive a passing grade and a badge for Learn English Now 2!